Friday, February 2, 2007

Racism in the 21st Century

Ok so WTF is up with racism? What's the point? Ooh your skin is black, the devil must have made you cause my skin is white (or whatever).

Now that we're in the 21st century you'd think we'd get a clue and realize that we are all the same race... HUMAN! So from now on I will refer to different ethnic backgrounds as cultures.

We often hear that the basis for racism is the general difference in how we look. Has ANYONE noticed that when people of different cultures get together and have a baby, the baby ends up growing up into a better looking kid than either of their parents?? Some celebrity examples:

Jessica Alba - Danish/French mother, Mestizo father.

Tatyana Ali - Afro-Caribbean and Indian descent.

Halle Berry - White English mother, African-American father.

Traci Bingham - Black/Italian mother, Native American father

And yes, even some guys:

Dean Cain - Japanese, French Canadian, Irish, Welsh

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) - Black father, Samoan mother

Brandon Lee (Bruce's son) - Chinese, German, Swedish decent

Now what REALLY gets me is how people refer to themselves or others of such mixed cultures. Halle Berry, for example, is probably referred to as an African American. WTF!!! She is half white! Jessica Alba is probably referred to as a Latina, WTF!!! She's half Danish/French! And so on and so on.

When will we all get a clue and realize these points:

1. I'm not white, you're not black, he's not yellow. We are all human.
2. Probably at least 50% of the world is not "pure" whatever they think they are.
3. We all need to be procreating with someone of a different culture to eventually blur all lines between us.
4. Fighting amongst ourselves because of how we look is primitive. WTF are we gonna do if something happens like an alien attack? We won't have time to suddenly be best of buds and fight together against a threat or solve a worldwide crisis with any effectiveness.

That's it! Now go out and have a baby with someone of a different "culture"!

WTF World's First Post

Ok so this is the first post of many to come. I am Wtfman and I will be posting about all the stupid and/or outdated thoughts, actions and events going on in the world.

Like me? Kewl, enjoy the blog.
Hate me? I'll post about you next.
Want to marry me? Sorry, married already.

And with that, on with the blogging.